Smart Relationships

Cybersmart learners know how to interact with others online and make smart decisions about what information they share.

Smart Relationships and Blogging

The Manaiakalani Programme is committed to supporting effective practice, Learn Create Share, in this highly digital world we live in.

Sharing Connects us with each other, emotionally and practically.

We believe Sharing/Tohatoha is fundamentally about people making connections. Sharing via their blogs enables our young people to connect with an authentic audience and provides a rich and engaging platform to learn how to maintain positive and supportive online relationships. This graphic represents the valued elements of sharing in the world we live in, specifically the Who we are sharing with and represents our relentless focus on the positive of living in a connected world.

A helpful overview of blogging with recommended activities. Designed as a guide for teachers to consider when planning for Cybersmart learning and engaging learners with blogging either with the class blog or sharing via their own blogs. 

Next steps will be determined by whether your learners are new to Chromebooks, new to edublogs or learners with 1+ years of blogging.  Take some time to explore the Cybersmart Blogging overview to identify recommended activities.

Smart Relationships: Activities 

We are using our class blogging platform to build powerful connections across our clusters through Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu, our team blogging programme. Participating and contributing supports our young people to make smart decisions about how they share online and experience positive,  healthy, online interactions. 

To find out more and register your class please visit the website.

Engaging learners with blogs and blog commenting as early as possible will empower them to connect with the purpose of blogging and  the elements of quality blog comments.

Writing a quality blog comment takes practise. Activities that enable students to encounter commenting a number of times and in a variety of different tasks or contexts. 

Learning how to respond to comments provides opportunities for learners to experience how they can maintain positive and supportive online relationships.

A selection of email activities and related Cybersmart Challenges.

Smart Relationships includes being confident to interact with others online using the features of the App e.g. video, text chat and screen sharing. Maximise the opportunity, while you have your learners on site, to access and use Google Meet

Think SMART: How to respond when someone is mean online. 

Adapted from The Power of Words: Lesson Plan

Learn how to write a blog comment in Te Reo Māori.

Learners can return to their copy of the slide deck when crafting a comment in Te Reo Māori.

Using elements of film to help us write quality comments in response to the Manaiakalani Film Festival movies.

This site hopes to support whānau with commenting on their child's learning and provides support in different languages.

Digital Citizenship conversations - Words, images and actions have power. The more we hear them, see them and use them the more we elevate them. This includes on our screens and on our walls. How might you harness the kōrero and vocabulary generated in response to exploring images? 

Smart Media

Room 4 @ Pt England School share some awesome ideas for recognising bloggers with their Kindness Project. 

Curating these on the learning site creates a helpful reference and word bank for creating comments.

Smart Relationships: Extending our understanding of quality blog comments

Spreading Good Vibes

Google has partnered with the educators at Pear Deck to create custom, interactive presentations and vocabulary flashcards to accompany the Be Internet Awesome curriculum.

We recommend previewing lessons and considering how best to use with your learners. Because lessons are created using Google Slides they can be copied and repurposed in response to your learners. Copies can also be used independently of the Pear Deck app.

Note: If the playlists below are not loading on your network try opening on YouTube