Google Meet

Maximise the opportunity, while you have your learners on site at school, to access and use Google Meet.

Smart Relationships includes being confident to both access Google Meet and  know how to interact with others online using the features of the App e.g. video, text chat and screen sharing.

Making connections and sharing via Google Meet also enables our young people to stay connected with their learning and schools when and if distance learning is required.

Limit the Links - Kia iti ngā kuputoro: The Manaiakalani Programme response to Social Distancing

Manaiakalani Using Google Meet

Add Google Meet to your existing drills:

Schools are familiar with emergency drills and schedule these regularly so students are familiar with, and confident in, responding to emergency procedures. Apply these same procedures for Google Meet:

We are making  smart decisions about how we interact  online

Meet Tip: Open the Google Meet Etiquette graphic on a separate tab. If learners in your Meet need to refocus - stop and share the tab in the Meet. Elevate the positive and take a couple of minutes to focus the korero on the elements in the graphic. 

Good Manners for Google Meet GM4GM

Pt England School learners share their Google Meet PSA at Assembly 

Good Manners for Good Meets

Check out this blog post from Te Whare Waipoa in Tairāwhiti sharing their Powhiri with Te Puna Wairua @ Tamaki Primary School in Tāmaki Makaurau

Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu: Meet with your Blogging Team

Getting started 

Getting Organised

What help might you need? 

Additional Opportunities for Meets with your Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu Blogging Teams

Blogging Teams Meet with learners accessing via their own Chromebook. This would provide additional opportunities to practise using Meet and protocols while at school. Consider: