Smart Media

Smart Learners critically examine information online 

The Kawa of Care supports empowering our young people as smart learners to:

To achieve this learners need to be media literate and develop their ability to analyse, evaluate and respond to  various forms of media. This includes understanding what media is, making informed judgements about media and most importantly, creating and sharing their own media.

Creating and sharing their own media empowers learners to be media literate

By Jacob Walker

By Phil Margetts

By Fiona Waugh

Kleki - Create freehand drawings

Option for learners to create their own illustrations that can be remixed with other media and Apps. 

Open the example to view instructions for learners. Includes drawing, duplicating, layering and mixing content to create illustrations. Make a copy for your class site and lessons.

CREATE your own GIF

How might you challenge your learners' to think critically about media?

Through creating and sharing their own media Smart Learners develop their ability to understand that media is constructed. Learning how to search for and acknowledge media content that is available for reuse also enables learners to  analyse and evaluate media.

"Because of our lived experiences digital citizenship is better when it’s a shared conversation"  Dr Kristen Mattson

Images for Digital Citizenship conversations 

Engaging in conversations about media through the use of images and video can provide  opportunities for your learners to analyse, question and share their ideas about media.

When selecting media content, be alert to experiences that are unique and in response to your community.  Designing learning that is personalised and inclusive, takes into account your learners' aspirations, interests, identity, language and culture. For example  this resource,  Images for Digital Citizenship conversations curated and shared by Dr Kristen Mattson, includes lots of images and helpful lesson ideas to get started. 

While this and other online resources may include images that are useful,   take into consideration content that is unique to your learners and local community.  e.g. Bradley Lane Project, Glen Innes

How to See: Perspective, Bias & Point of View created by Michael Hernandez 

"A sequence of experiences and mentor texts. Helps learners to see the limits of knowledge, and how our eyes, mind and culture can fool us. Then take it to the next level by having students produce a podcast based on their experience." Michael Hernandez 

Michael's  lessons could be repurposed and may also serve to inspire learning design in response to your students.  

Copy of How to see: Perspective, Bias & Point of View

"Media Literacy = Information Literacy + Media Production"  @cheryltice

Smart Media Slide decks have been designed as possible starters for lesson design.  They can be copied, repurposed and contextualised in response to your learners and curriculum learning areas.

Google has partnered with the educators at Pear Deck to create custom, interactive presentations and vocabulary flashcards to accompany the Be Internet Awesome curriculum.

We recommend previewing lessons and considering how best to use with your learners. Because lessons are created using Google Slides they can be copied and repurposed in response to your learners. Copies can also be used independently of the Pear Deck app.

Lessons for all levels focus on how learners can be critical consumers and creators of news and media? New Zealand does not have a general “fair use” defence, as exists in United States copyright law, referenced in some lessons.

Test your powers of observation

Example from Cheryl Torrie: thinking about scams and phishing and the ways that people online try to get things like your password or personal data.

Created for ISTE 2019 session this resource for teachers by by Cheryl Tice, defines and explores info and media literacy and the importance of teaching critical thinking skills. Includes helpful readings and recommendations for lesson design. 

A quick video that highlights why it’s so important to check your facts. By the News Literacy Project. 

Smart Media Playlist

Think for yourselfScreen_Smart.pdf