Cybersmart Blogging
1:1 Devices - Smart Learners and Blogging
The following is designed as a guide for teachers to consider when planning for Cybersmart learning and engaging learners with blogging either with the class blog or sharing via their own blogs.
Learners new to 1:1 Device
Learners will be sharing via the class blog for the first 8-10 weeks of Cybersmart Learning.
Learners sharing via their blog
Learners have been engaging with Cybersmart for at least 8-10 weeks and are starting to share on their individual blog.
1+ Years of Blogging
Learners have been sharing via their individual blog and engaging with Cybersmart learning for at least one year.
are learning to confidently navigate and harness their device and learning applications.
This includes learning to navigate a blog and understand the elements of a blog, the posts and comments.
Engaging with content on class blogs and via Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu.
Exploring and identifying content bloggers share.
Opportunities to connect with and use Cybersmart and Blogging vocabulary
Cybersmart Learners
are learning to identify what information and content Cybersmart bloggers create and share online.
Explore Blogs and Create a Blog Profile before creating their own. Activities can be copied and repurposed e.g.
Blog Detectives
Public or Private
About Me Posters
Create an Infographic
DLOs created in response to these activities should be stored in Google Drive to be shared when their blogs are rolled out.
It is useful to have content that is ready to share to enable learners to practise posting and becoming familiar with the work flow.
Cybersmart Learners
are mindful that being Cybersmart is staying up-to-date with our Cybersmart learning.
Exploring Online Profiles - Think about how you advertise yourself online.
Identify and write quality comments. Confidently use our Cybersmart vocab to describe a quality comment.
Step It Up blogging activities e.g.
Blog Battle
Screencast a blog tour
Eye Catching Blog Posts
Blog Bingo
Identify opportunities for learners to create content that can be shared publicly. At this stage we recommend selecting from:
Content is curated in their Google Drive.
Consider using a blog post template to focus on the elements of a blog post.
Share learning on the class blog.
Content can be shared on their individual blogs when rolled out.
Options to choose from in response to your learners.
Copy, repurpose if needed and share on your class blog for learners.
Cybersmart Challenges:Options for creating or updating a blog profile.
Update Blog profile for the new year
This is an opportunity to engage more critically with the implications of sharing personal information online. Empower learners who have been sharing on their blog to reconnect with their digital footprint and their responsibility to create and nurture a positive online presence they and their whānau, can be proud of.
Cybersmart Challenges:Options for creating or updating a blog profile.
Teachers access learner created content via Hāpara to share on the class blog.
Consider modelling the process of sharing on the class blog and invite input from learners.
Co-construct comments and replies to blog posts and comments from your Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu Team or class blogs within your school/cluster.
Share their blog profile as the first post. Use DLOs created in response to earlier Smart Learner activities to share as blog posts. This is an opportunity for learners to practise the blogpost workflow and learn to schedule posts.
Updated profile is shared on their blog
Post is linked to their profile widget by the teacher
Identify opportunities for your learners to read and comment on learners' blogs e.g. from your school or cluster
Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu - register and buddy your learners to comment and reply to blog posts and comments on their team's individual blogs.