Preparing to create a Blog Profile
Understand the difference between private and public information
Learners preparing to share on their blog for the first time create their blog profile so they have content ready to share for their First Post.
A blog profile shares information about a blogger with their audience. Creating a blog profile is an opportunity for learners to connect with and understand that every time they share online it is contributing to creating their digital footprint. They need to make smart decisions about what personal information they share in their blog profile.
Create a selection of blogs for your learners to explore that include quality examples of blog profiles that enable your learners to connect with creating a positive digital footprint. Example below
Let's explore some blog profiles
What information are these bloggers sharing about themselves online?
What do these blog profiles have in common with each other?
Share links to these blog profiles on your learning site for your learners to explore. While exploring the profiles notice:
What personal information has the blogger shared in their blog profile?
What do you learn about the blogger from their profile?
What don't you know about the blogger from their profile?
What do these blog profiles have in common?
Share and compare what you have noticed with a friend.
Describe the blogger to your friend. Share your impression of this person based on their online profile e.g. their personality, characteristics, values, qualities.
How are your ideas different and/or the same as your friends?
The Blog Detective template could also be used to record what they have noticed while exploring blogs.
This activity is suited to learners who may be sharing to a blog of their own for the first time