Internet Permanence
Designed for Year 7+
Internet Permanence
Learning Intention: develop an understanding of internet permeance
Read the article "What is Internet Permanence".
Discuss the idea as a class.
Read the two news articles in the Manaiakalani Newspaper
Discuss the articles together
Create a poster to help kids understand Internet permanence
5a. Create a new Google Draw
5b. Use one of the slogans (on the right), or create your own.
5c. Find relevant images to support your poster
Share on your blog
(Choose one)
"Words Matter, Posts Stay Forever: Choose Wisely!"
"Be Mindful Online, Your Words Leave a Trace!"
"Think Before You Post, Make Your Words Count!"
"Be Thoughtful, Share with Care: Post Mindfully!"
"Think First, Share with Heart: Words are Forever!"