Public or Private?
Designed for learners new to blogging and sharing on their own blog. Includes templates that can used with learners to revisit the concept that every time they share online it is personal.
Whenever and wherever we share online it's personal, visible and amplified. It is personal because we are sharing information about ourselves.
Creating a positive digital footprint means learning to make smart decisions about what personal information we share and what personal information we keep private.
If we are not sure we check with a trusted adult or keep it private.
Public or Private: Select one of the options below and make a copy.
Provide time for learners to make these decisions privately first. At this stage decisions are not about being right or wrong. We are learning to stop and think and make decisions based on what we know about sharing personal information online.
Once learners have completed, create groups of 2-3, compare and contrast their decisions.
If decisions differ, share their reason.
Would they change their mind based on what others have decided? Why?
If I am not sure keep it private.
Revisit using keyboard
Short cuts for cut and paste,
Repositioning pointer with touchpad before pasting.
Highlighting text