Embedding Content in your Blog

Screencasts below to help you embed content in your blogs e.g. Videos and screencasts, Google Draw and Slides 

Looking for more help with creating DLOs and sharing digital content in your blog posts:  Lots of awesome examples here 

Tips - formatting content for a Blog Post

Lots of tips shared by contributors curated here. Consider sharing copies of individual slides with your learners when relevant.

How to embed Google files in Blogger (JF)

Jeremy Ferguson has created instructions for embedding content from Google Drive in this slidedeck

Download Google Draw as a PNG image and upload to your blog

OR            Embed a Google Draw in your Blog

1. Save Google Draw as an Image.mp4
2. Embed Google Draw in your Blog .mp4

Embed a Google Drive Video in your Blog

Create a Screencastify

Embed Video from Google Drive.mp4

Embed a Google Slide in your blog

Embed Google Slide in Blog.mov