Thinking Tools and Organisers

Graphic organisers, Te Tātai ā-Whakaahua and analysis tools can assist learners to classify ideas and organise and communicate their thinking more effectively. Many are designed to facilitate understanding of key concepts by enabling students to visually identify key ideas. Encouraging learners to select and use these tools can scaffold learning through engaging in higher order thinking and reasoning,  and increase opportunities for deeper conversations focused on learning.

Create your own analysis tools and graphic organisers using Google Drive Apps to share with your students.

Clearly name and organise templates in a folder in your GoogleDrive. Share your folder 'view only'. Every doc you move to this folder will automatically inherit the same permissions.

Consider creating a page on your site to share templates. Insert folder from your GoogleDrive (see left)

Analysis tools and graphic organisers can be referenced and linked to for reuse by teachers and students when planning and organising teaching and learning opportunities e.g. when planning and designing content for your learners reference the  graphic organiser and link to it in your shared folder. 

Encourage students to re-purpose, create and share their own organisers on the class site e.g. Embed a shared folder in your site page that learners can contribute to.

2021 Manaiakalani ToD: Graphic Organisers for Reading
Copy of Higher order thinking skills using SOLO and Google Drawings