Create a PSA
Select one of the elements from the Kawa of Care Responsible Use Student Agreement
Create a DLO to help and inspire learners in our cluster to follow our Kawa of Care and be Cybersmart.
Create your DLO in the style of a Public Service Announcement (PSA)
Options: How would your PSA differ if your target audience is parents and whānau?
Kawa of Care Lesson using Video Notes learners higlight keywords then create a Gif

Choose either a video or animation (30 seconds maximum), poster or infographic
Optional - collaborate with a group (three people maximum) to create your PSA
Upload a copy to your Google Drive and share on you blog.
Keep your message clear and positive, and target your intended audience. Your goal is to call your audience to action.
Are they inspired?
Before you start find out more about creating a PSA
Explore the PSA examples and on this page and identify the messages.
What strategies are used to help communicate the message?
What actions are included to encourage positive behaviour or change?
Created by New Zealand Transport Agency